I asked 39 people their favourite song playlist

by | Jul 10, 2016

So I decided to ask as many people as I could what their favourite song of all time is. I was met with a lot of humming and hawing and undecidedness. A lot of people felt like they were cheating on their other favourite songs and that they couldn’t pick just one. Some people had an answer for me right away. These are the 39 final answers I ended up with. This is an absolutely hilarious playlist with the biggest mess of songs I have ever seen. I tried to make it flow as best as I could (not an easy task). It may be a ridiculous blend of songs, but I just like the fact that these are all songs that someone out there loves THE MOST out of any song in the world. I call it the I asked 39 people their favourite song playlist.

I asked 39 people their favourite song playlist

Listen to the I asked 39 people their favourite song playlist. The title explains itself. What is your favourite song of all time?

Francesca Cammarata

Francesca is a graduate of MacEwan University’s Recording Arts program and a current music business student at Nimbus School of Recording & Media. She grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, but is now residing in Vancouver. She has an obsession with semi-dark chickie pop music.

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Francesca Cammarata

Francesca is a graduate of MacEwan University’s Recording Arts program and a current music business student at Nimbus School of Recording & Media. She grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, but is now residing in Vancouver. She has an obsession with semi-dark chickie pop music.

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Francesca Cammarata

Francesca is a graduate of MacEwan University’s Recording Arts program and a current music business student at Nimbus School of Recording & Media. She grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, but is now residing in Vancouver. She has an obsession with semi-dark chickie pop music.

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Francesca Cammarata

Francesca is a graduate of MacEwan University’s Recording Arts program and a current music business student at Nimbus School of Recording & Media. She grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, but is now residing in Vancouver. She has an obsession with semi-dark chickie pop music.

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